Signs that Show You Need to See an Optician

girl having an eye checkup

Regular eye checkup is as good as a physical examination. It is beneficial to all and more specifically those with a family history of eye disorders. Most people have realized that prevention is the key to better eye care. The worst mistake to make is waiting for signs and symptoms to manifest then run to a doctor.  An optician is specialized in making lenses and fitting glasses correct eyesight problems.

When you need to see an optician

Color blindnesseye checking

It is a problem of having difficulty in distinguishing color shades and intensity. In most cases, color blindness can be hard for a patient to discover until they get tested. It is a major problem experienced by males.

Retinal detachment

Retinal detachment is a condition characterized by sudden flashes of lights that combine with black floating spots in one’s vision. In other cases, it comes along with a veil that blocks a part of one’s vision. The best way to detect the condition is by covering one eye then testing one after the other.

Night blindness

Night blindness is a common eye problem that affects most people. It is a condition that affects one’s ability to differentiate objects, particularly under low light conditions. Night blindness is a clear sign for one to seek attention from an optician.


Cataracts is a significant vision problem that can bar one from renewing their driving license. It can be identified by going for an eye test examination. The common symptoms of cataracts include hazy vision, weak night vision where one experiences difficulty in detecting movements and object details.

Other symptoms of cataracts include blinding effect especially from automobile lights and bright sunlight, overlapping images from one eye and opaque appearance on one pupil. Moreover, painful inflammation and pressure from one eye suggest a problem in one’s vision.

Itching and burning eyesburning eyes

It is normal to experience itching eyes when exposed to certain conditions. However, when itching persists, it may be an indication of the onset of eyesight problems. Anyone that experiences unusual sensation of itching should consider seeking medical attention.

Seeing is critical to one’s safety. Seeking attention from a licensed optician is an imperative step one can take. It is good to have one’s eyesight checked regularly to avoid developing extreme vision problems. Most of the conditions can be prevented and treated early. The above signs show when you need to see an optician.

The major causes of hair loss

Hair loss affects both men and women at some point in their lives. It can vary from a small area to the entire body. According to a study conducted by dermatologists, most people lose up to 100 strands of hair each day. In women, it is one of the most valuable organs since it defines female beauty. The causes of hair loss are usually related to the following factors;

Hormonal Dysfunction

Hormonal imbalances can make one to lose hair. There are a number of important hormones that are secreted from the thyroid gland. Therefore, thyroid problems may cause the loss. If affected, one should seek for thyroid treatment and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to solve this problem. In women, hormonal imbalance can be due to pregnancy or the beginning of menopause. If one has an under-active thyroid gland, he or she is likely to experience hair loss. When androgen and estrogen in both male and female, are imbalanced one is likely to lose hair.

hair loss

Severe scalp infections

There are different types of fungal infections like ringworm can attack the hair. This can cause hair loss leaving some scaly patches. This is a common problem that occurs in young children. However, it can be treated using antifungal medications. Once the infections have been given proper treatment, the hair tend to grow back.

Heredity factors

This is the most common of all types of hair loss problems. A hereditary condition called male pattern baldness plays a big role. There is also female baldness though it’s less common compared to men. At a certain age, one may begin to develop a bald. Baldness in men is most common and can begin as early as during the puberty stage. It becomes soft, fine and short resulting in the loss. The genetic factors together with androgen hormones play a major role in developing baldness.

Radiation therapy to the head or a major illness

If a patient undergoes radiation chemotherapy, it can lead to serious hair loss. In most cases, it might never grow back as it was before. Surgical procedures are also one of the major causes of hair loss.

Hair treatments

It is commonly referred to as traction alopecia. Some treatments cause serious inflammation of the follicles can result in losing of hair. When the skin becomes scary, it could be permanent. Diseases like diabetes or lupus may cause one to lose his or her hair. The early warning sign for these diseases is hair loss.

hair loss

Psychological Factors

Many people experience hair loss when they experience physical or emotional shock. Studies have shown that stress can result in loss of hair.


4 Reasons You Should Go Mountain Biking For Exercise And Therapy

It is a fact that mountain biking benefits the body in a lot of ways. It is a strenuous activity that works out the whole body. It is a highly recommended exercise for people who want to build stronger muscles and lose weight naturally. It is a sport that keeps the body healthy and fit. Numerous studies also show that mountain biking is an effective alternative to several types of therapy. For example, most psychiatrists to recommend the sport to individuals who are suffering from mental illnesses like anxiety and depression. There are even hospitals now that have mountain biking programs for their patients suffering from mental issues like psychosis.

Health Benefits

All round workoutsbiker

Mountain biking is an exercise that will involve all parts of your body. A lot of people often make the wrong assumption that it will only work out the lower half of the body. But the fact is that the sport exercises your head down to your toes. It applies to those that prefer long-distance bike races. Whether you want to lose weight or build muscles, biking is an effective way to achieve it.

A Good Anti-Depressant

It’s effective in reducing stress and depression. This is why more and more medical professionals these days recommend mountain biking for exercise and therapy. The sport encourages you to get out and put your body to the test. This alone will help you clear your mind and forget about the things that are stressing you out. You also get to meet fellow bikers who share your passion. The more you ride out, the healthier you become, physically and mentally.

Develops Self Esteem

It increases your self-esteem. If mountain biking helps in reducing stress, it also follows that it helps in improving your self-esteem. As you develop the habit of riding out on a regular basis, your self-confidence level will also grow. This is mostly because of your improving health and the sense of community you develop with other bikers.

lineBenefits backed up by medical studies

It is backed by scientific research. As mentioned earlier, there were numerous scientific studies done that show the benefits of mountain biking to the body. These benefits aren’t just physical. They can also be mental benefits.
Based on the advantages discussed above, it is advisable to go for mountain biking for exercise and therapy. For biking retreat, Hollywood bike racks are an invaluable transport aid. Notwithstanding, mountain biking is an activity that works out the whole body. Thus, it is very effective in building and toning muscles as well as in losing weight. If you are suffering from mental problems like depression and anxiety, mountain biking can be a great alternative to standard therapy.

Types of Services Provided By Professional Dentists

boy having a dental checkup

Dental care and oral hygiene are as significant as any other medical treatment because taking care of your teeth does not only help you avoid infections and bad smell, but also gives you a level of confidence around people. The westfield cosmetic dentists are skilled and qualified at their trade.

At Westfield Dental Care, there are well-trained, qualified, and experienced dentists to provide you with a quality orthodontic care that you and your family require. This facility is also utilizing its medical infrastructure to provide several dental services ranging from prevention care, diagnosis, correction of jaws and teeth malpositioned, as well as consultation and dental education. Here is a review of the services provided by professional dentists.

Services offered


It is critical that you have an expert to advise you on the dental condition of you as an individual as well as your teeth brushfamily. The best dentists will examine your teeth and gums, and recommend the appropriate medication for you, in most cases without asking for payment.

Consultation helps you to get the right information regarding the state of your teeth.

Hygiene education

Specialized dentists offer educational services relating to your dental treatment and hygiene to facilitate households in taking good care of their mouth sanitation at home. It helps many families to avoid visiting dentists for treatment, which often cost a lot of money. Learning how to clean your teeth is critical since it guides you on the cleanliness measures you need to take at home to keep your gums and teeth from infections, decay, and discoloration.

Primary dental care services

A professional dentists’ primary role is to provide general dental care services such as dental extraction, dental implants, preventive maintenance, and Inlays and Onlays among others.

It involves treatment of the teeth and gum using medical procedures or drug administration that patients take home and regularly use as instructed by the dentist. Dental extraction is the removal of any tooth or teeth due to infections, decay, or to allow another tooth to grow on the same path. It comes as a last resort when no preventive measures are possible to solve the situation.

Cosmetic dentistry

dentistryAnother critical service offered by specialized dentists is the cosmetic dentistry, which involves services aimed at improving the condition of your teeth and enhance your confidence. Some of them are bridges and crowns, Veneers, fillings, sealants, dentures, root canals, night guards, and teeth whitening.

In instances where your teeth have become discolored due to poor hygiene or teeth decay, a professional dentist will administer teeth whitening procedures to restore the white color of your teeth. Other processes are also essential in correcting any misalignment of your teeth and help you regain your smile back.

The Best High-Calorie Foods for Muscle Gain

The journey to a well-toned body is not so easy. This is because there are several aspects of lifestyle changes that are required to steer your body to the desired state. Gaining muscles for instance, is a process which relies heavily on good diet and proper exercise routines. Many people often include supplements and boosters in their diet but this is not strictly necessary. There are a lot of natural foods which can help with muscle gain.

The following are some of the most healthy high calorie foods to gain muscle.

Muscle Gain

  • Eggs

Eggs are an excellent source of protein. One egg contains a huge amount of calorie content. The fact that they are fairly affordable also makes them the best choice for all people looking to increase the calorie content in their bodies. Proteins are the building blocks of muscles and other body tissues, this is why it is important to observe a good intake of protein every day for quick muscle gain.

  • Nuts

The various forms of nuts – groundnuts, peanuts and cashew nuts are a great source of calories. Considering that they are never part of a proper meal, they are the excellent choice for snacks. Nuts also contain the necessary protein content which helps muscles grow quickly and recover after a workout routine. The various products made of out of nuts, including peanut butter, also give the same calorie content and are equally recommended.

  • Beans

Beans are one of the most nutritional foods you can get. They contain a huge variety of nutrients. They are also a very good source of calories as just a cup of beans can have as high as 250 calories. They also come in a huge variety and it is easy to find the type that suits you well. Beans do a lot of great things for muscles and are highly prescribed to vegetarians and all people as well.

  • Fruitsegg

Fruits are the favorite snack for most people. While the focus is usually on the vitamin content of the fruits, there is another side of fruits that is not explored a lot. There are very many types of fruits with high calorie content which can be very beneficial to the diet of a person seeking to gain muscle.

The above foods are some of the best when we are considering – healthy high calorie foods to gain muscle. The list also explores different food sources so that it can be easy to select the best choice for you.

Symptoms Of A Cold In Toddlers

Symptoms Of A Cold In Toddlers (3)

What is a cold?

A cold is a common health condition that affects each and every child. It is often caused by a virus called rhinovirus . From generations to generations, there has been confusions between the signs and the symptoms of a cold. In this article I have explained in depth, the symptoms of a cold in toddlers.

A cold often starts with your child sneezing,followed by a sore throat which involves a buildup of mucus. The situation worsens when your toddler experiences a postnasal drip- when the mucus runs back and forth from the nose to the throat.

As the situation worsens the following are the symptoms to expect:

1. A tickle in the throat: this is a mild feeling on one’s throat like there is a sore throat although it is not that serious.

2. Watery mucus in the nose: this is commonly referred as a runny nose. Your child will experience a colorless mucus in their nose all day.

3. Sneezing: occasionally your child will sneeze. The sneeze may or may not be accompanied by the watery mucus depending on the severeness of the cold. When the cold is heavy the sneeze will always be accompanied by the watery mucus.

4.A feeling of tiredness: If your toddler is the jovial vibrant type,you will realize that they sit around with a feeling of tiredness. Mostly they stay on the couch and do not want to do anything around the house.

5. Muscle aches: the feeling of tiredness may be accompanied by muscle aches. Your toddler might complain of constant muscle aches during the 10 to 14 days that the cold might last.

6. Headache: due to the runny nose and sneezing, your child might experience pangs of headache from time to time.cry

7.Loss of appetite.The headache and feeling of tiredness are often accompanied by a loss of appetite. You will notice that your child does not have appetite even for his or her favorite dish or snack.

8. Nasal discharge that turns from yellow to green: this discharge changes color as the cold comes to an end around the 9th day. This happens as a result of the body’s immune system- antigens are busy fighting with the cold.

9. Severe sore throat: this sore throat is different from the tickle on the throat.In most cases it hurts and your child may spit a yellow discharge from the throat. When this happens most parents get antibiotics for their children.

10. Cough: the last symptom to observe in your child is a cough. The cough may be dry or accompanied by watery substances coming from your child’s mouth. When this happens, you need not worry as a cough indicates that the reflex of your child is working to protect the throat and chest.

Pediatrics always advice parents of toddlers not to worry as the cold only lasts for 10-14 days. Hence it is always advisable to keep off the antibiotics to help the child’s body develop a strong immune system.